"if I had a nickel for every damn dime..."

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Thank you jku


1. Song that sounds like happy feels:
Gansta Trippin, Fat Boy Slim
And the video fucking rocks.

2. Earliest memory:
Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon
So maybe my parents smoked a lot of pot and we drove around in a van painted like an American Flag okay?

3. Last CD you bought:
Everywhere but Here, Modest Mouse

4. Reminds you of school:

Elementary School
Kiss, Do You Love Me?
One of my best friends and I put on a concert for the
sixth grade class. I played drums and sang, he played guitar. That was one of the songs.

High School
Run DMC, My Adidas
That's right, I wanted to be a white rapper 4 years before Eminem got a drivers license.

Hazy Shade of Winter, The Bangels
I'm not proud, but it sounded really cool on very little
sleep and played so loud you're ears would actually bleed.

5. Total music files on your PC
Um... Yeah, so none. It's my work laptop. I'm lucky to have time to blog.

6. For listening to repeatedly when depressed:
The Orb, Orbus Terrarum
It's a strange choice, but it always makes me think.
Magnolia, The Soundtrack
Had to add it because Aimee Mann is a Godess on that album.

7. Sounds british, but isn't:
Green Day, Long View
Only in the chorus though.

8. Tune you love, band you hate:
George Michael, Freedom
It took me quite a while to get the balls to admit that.

9. A favorite from the past that took ages to track down:
Tears for Fears, Listen

10. Bought the album for one good song:
This is a hard one... I usually buy because I love the band, or like most of the C.D.

jku's addition to this quiz is:

11. Worst Song to Get Stuck in your Head:
Don't Worry, Be Happy...
Who wrote this? I must kill them.

Who should do this next?


You gonna eat that?

Went over to Mom's house today. Put together a new T.V. stand that her brand new 32" Television sits on. And a brand new surround sound, 5 disc changer, home theater system. The thing has like 18 speakers. Or 5. I admired my work; and her beautiful T.V. Turned on Moulin Rouge. (I don't think it's spelled that way)

Wouldn't it be brilliant if we lived in a musical? And the world looked like that movie set. Damn... I need to start taking singing lessons. I'm planning on buying an island. "Musical Island" I'll call it. Can't visit unless you sing. THE WHOLE TIME. Meals may get incredibly messy.


Thursday, January 27, 2005

And it takes a quiz to pull me out of my shell

Oh, but I can't allow it to be that easy. Thanks to jku for requesting I take a music quiz. And I will... Prequiz however, the need to talk for a moment or two has inspired me. Thanks jku, I really appreciate it. And thanks to everyone for checking in when all my brain has had to offer has been self-deprication. The loser within has been working out, getting stronger, and holding me in a headlock.

Good Times.

So I gathered my insecurity and whatever else I could find and went out last Saturday night. A party. An L.A. party no doubt. Then to a club. Holy shit, social interaction is still a nightmare.

Says she with lipstick on her teeth and a cocktail tipped to one side in her hand, "Hi, I'm Hillary and this is Amanda. We wanted to introduce ourselves to yooo 'cause you looked fun!" Poor little dummy. I'll guarantee of the many ways I must of looked, "fun" was not included on that list. "Amanda is psychic," (I'm thinking she may be psychotic) "and I bet she can guess what yooo do for a living." This is gonna be good. The psychic pipes up, "You're a producer! Am I right?" I went with it until I threw up in my mouth just a little. Several conversations followed. Most were of the same caliber. Not that I'm a sharp witted conversationalist, I was just having difficulty playing the game. I imagine I'll blossom back into a social butterfly once again, but not then, and not there. As it turns out however, I still look "fun." So I got that goin' for me, which is nice. I made mention of a club, and wow, that scene hasn't changed either. In fact, as we entered, a song I listened to in clubs 12 years ago was being spun. Oh, if I were only 12 years younger. And full of cheap booze. And desperate for attention. And not bitter. Guess I could start by not being bitter. This too shall pass.

But that's not what I came here to say.

The world has not ceased to spin on its axis. People die and babies are born. I've continued to work, love my children, shower, floss, breathe. I'm not at the highest point I've ever experienced, but I'm at the highest point possible at the moment. And truthfully, it aint too bad.

And bitter can be kinda funny sometimes. I've had a decent laugh recalling my night out.


Thursday, January 20, 2005

Oh, Hey

I am so rude... I haven't introduced you. (Holy shit he's gonna get pissed at me) Everyone, this is Jeff. He's Julie's brother. He's my brother, not by blood, but by bond. I think he's an awesome guy.

So there.


Lickity Split...

No funny, (well shit, that actually insinuates I think I'm funny) just an update for those who expressed concern. I picked Mom up from the hospital on Tuesday. She's still crazy, still in some pain, but she's way better and I love her. Why in the hell would I say that? "Oh, and I still love her." What a jackass... Of course I love my Mom.


Well, damn

I'm pondering this... It's too bad they've realized the world hates us and may wish to inflict harm upon our "beloved" President.

I'm just sayin'.

So what I was so eloquently "just sayin" was the fact that security measures for the inaguration of our ass-clown, oops, I mean President, were tighter and more extensive than ever in history. Oh, and I think I fixed the link.

Or not, whatever.


Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Hate it when I get political

You know, if I were a cat, which sounds incredibly cushy right now by the way, I'm absolutely sure at some point, I would say to myself, "What tha? I would swear that I shit in my litter box not even five minutes ago, and now it's gone."

I'm almost certain that's what she was thinking soon after I provided her a clean, sanitary spot to take care of her personal business.


Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Olde Faithful

The Watch-Bug was out, high on his perch this evening. Somehow, I feel a little safer with him there.


Sunday, January 16, 2005

Thirty-seven Helens Agree

"I can hardly wait to hear what I'm gonna say next," was how he used to start his pitch. And that's why I'm here. I don't know what's coming, and I mean that in the 'post' sense, not in the 'life' sense. Interestingly enough, our world hasn't stopped spinning. Everyone keeps breathing air, in and out, mindless assholes are still driving thier cars on streets everywhere in the country, kitties use the litter box, laundry gets done, (it's not dirty anymore, not since it's been hung out there on my last post) and Moms get sick and go to hospitals. That's right, I took Mom on Friday night and they've found a mass on her stomach. It might be cistic, might be something else. We won't know what it is until early in the week. But let's not focus on that until we know more. (Oh, but I suppose if anyone has any life-changing events they wanna' toss up onto my shoulders, I haven't buckled yet.) Point is, everything continues. It moves, evolves, dynamic changes take place. "Eyes need us to see, hearts need us to beat." I don't know if Modest Mouse lyrics apply here, I just really like that song. Yes, I happen to be a bit loopy. Fuck it. I'm right here. Step back man, I'm a Ghostbuster.

By the way, if anyone's seen my funny, I'm looking for it and want it back.


I'm not tickleish

I just don't know... Took a Tickle Test for personality types. Are these things even close to accurate? According to'Tickle' I should know myself well enough to have an answer to that question.

Darek, you're an Observer!

That means you're one of the more kind-hearted people around. You are unusually intuitive, and you probably understand yourself, as well as others. That also means you're a good mediator — though you may prefer to spend more quiet time on your own than most.

Because of the self-knowledge you already possess, you are better equipped than many to steer your life in the right direction. Understanding more about the components of your personality will reveal unique information that even people like you might not realize. And the better you know yourself, the more confident you'll be making decisions that affect your life.

How do we know this about you? Because while taking the test, you answered questions that measure the basic traits that make up your personality. We scored your answers on different personality characteristics and discovered not only that you're an Observer, but where you stand on those proven scientific scales.


Thursday, January 13, 2005

Things fall down. People look up.

And when it rains, it pours.

Type type tipp-it-ty tap type tap tipp-it-ty type... *read* Ugh. Backspace, backspace, backspace; delete.

It's unusual. I'm here, and I'm pulling punches. No, not literally; I'm not holding back anger. And I could hit, literally; got plenty of inantimate objects I could smack around; but no. It's just that in my opinion, when posting on one's personal space, blog, journal, whatever; one should deliver free expression. Even if it turns out to be a lie. It's in your own Goddamn head. Painting the description of the picture in my head is what it's about. Got it? Right.

So back to pulling punches. As it turns out, the painting of the description of the picture in my head looks a bit like a large mound of steaming poop. This is an attempt to express freely without inviting, "Come read what's in my head... it's poop!" Um, no.

Okay, so ride this roller-coaster with me. Woooo, he's up, Waaooohh, he's down.

Maybe it's not poop after all. I just wished it was because it's painful. In actuality, it's truly precise; detailed. I understand it perfectly. The part I played is accounted for. I'm responsible, as is she. And when this segment of our lives is observed from a different vantage point, the road behind will be one of growth, pain, love, understanding, and commitment. The children are happy, confident, well-balanced little people, and will continue to be through the transition. Plans are moving forward, and the process will be timely, amicable, patient. I'm sad. I'm scared. I'm happy. I'm anxious. She is leaving


Monday, January 10, 2005

The Curtain Falls


The show will resume after a brief intermission. Refreshments and snacks are located in the lobby bar. Darek should return in a day, week, or month... Hopefully sooner than later.

There's something I've gotta get through.


Sunday, January 09, 2005

So yeah, there's that

I have never professed to be a poet. Not even close.

I just wish sometimes that everyone spoke like a Dr. Seuss book. Even telling somone to fuck off would be accompanied by happy ryhmes.


Searching for Theo

When there's times the feelings aren't happity,
Theo's words may pull you out of the crappity.
Imagining things with rings and snaggletooth things
joyfull thoughts and other breezes it brings.
Down in the dump with a wumpity slump wump
is where I've been,
inspiring dreams of climbing to the top of a building and taking a jump...

See, I feel better already.

I really need to stay away from the Dr. Suess books for awhile.
Oh, and no... No thoughts of jumping from a building, I just was trying to rhyme with wumpity slump wump.


Saturday, January 08, 2005

God is a woman and my Mom she is a witch

Forwarded to me; worth a grin or two


Jesus could have been Black:

1 He called everyone "brother"
2. He liked Gospel
3. He couldn't get a fair trial.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Jewish:

1. He went into His Fathers business.
2. He lived at home until he was 33.
3. He was sure his Mother was a virgin and his mother was sure he was God.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus could have been a Californian:

1. He never cut his hair.
2. He walked around barefoot all the time.
3. He started a new religion.

But the most compelling evidence of all - 3 proofs that Jesus could have been a woman:

1. He fed a crowd at a moment's notice when there was no food.
2. He kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just didn't get it.

3. And even when he was dead, He had to get up because there was more work to do.


Thursday, January 06, 2005

My Hell, comes from inside myself

Thanks Jack

3 names you go by:
1. darek
2. Daddy
3. Doughboy (Don't really go by it... I would, unfortuately, answer to it)

3 screen names you have:
1. darekaaron (Here)
2. djdohy (My first personal e-mail @ yahoo)
3. dsleepstonight (I forget)

3 things you like about yourself:
1. I'm a great father
2. I do more before 9 A.M. than most people do all day
3. My sordid past

3 things you hate/dislike about yourself:
1. The hardest question for me to answer was 3 things I like about myself
2. I still think money/power/prestige will solve my problems
3. I'm "learned hip" not "naturally hip"

3 parts of your heritage:
1. Polish (Papa Joe's last name was Janeski)
2. German (I'm too nice to be a Nazi)
3. Alien (My parents aren't from this planet)

3 things that scare you:
1. Being common (I am, so I scare myself every day)
2. Losing my children (Can't even think about it)
3. Angry Samoans (I saw an angry Samoan on my football team knock a guy out w/ one punch)

3 of your everyday essentials:
1. Caffeine in any form
2. Hugs and love from the girls
3. A multi-vitamin that does absolutely nothing for me

3 things you're wearing right now:
1. American Rag jeans & tee
2. A frown
3. A blue velvet thong

3 of your favorite bands/artists (today):
1. Modest Mouse (They remind me how to feel)
2. Eels (Used to hum Eels songs in rehab)
3. The Orb (Not for everyone)

3 of your favorite songs at present:
The Third Planet (Modest Mouse)
Gut Feelin' (Devo)
3. Dyna Sark Arches (
Omar Rodriguez)

3 new things you want to try in the next 12 months:
1. Join Toastmasters
2. Take a Martial Art
3. I would like to try fighting the urge to leave my job

3 things you want in a relationship (love is a given):
1. Sex (Well, because honestly, I'm a shallow pig)
2. That they may find me slightly interesting
3. Reciprocal concern and commitment

2 truths and a lie:(no particular order to keep ya guessing)
1. I am a felon
2. I've never held a job more than four years
3. I'm a little bit country

3 physical things about a love interest that appeal:
1. Skin
2. Ass
3. Nipples

3 things you just can't do:
1. I can't fucking dance (Oh, I wish I could)
2. Play basketball (White men can't jump)
3. Stop believing

3 of your favorite hobbies:
1. Wishing I had hobbies
2. Listening to my wife rant about things I don't understand
3. Driving through Beverly Hills thinking, "how in the hell does that jackass afford that house?"

3 things you want to do really badly right now:
1. Pet my pussy
2. Win the lottery
3. Invent and patent the next simple, asinine, million dollar idea

3 careers you're considering:
1. Teacher (I've got the gift and don't know why I haven't pursued it)
2. Dictator (I'll be sure not to piss off W)
3. Motivational Speaker (You know, if Tony Robbins gets sick or something)

3 places you want to go on vacation:
1. Paris (Yes Julie, Paris)
2. NYC
3. Walt Disney Orlando Cruise (That's so fucking milk toast family, and I would be very excited to go)

3 kids names (either boy or girl):
1. Adolf
2. Crispin
3. Dumbass (For a boy, he'll live up to it, trust me)

3 things you want to do before you die:
1. Ride on a bullet train
2. Sit back and say, "wow, I really accomplished something here"
3. Become satisfied with accomplishing something very small

3 people who have to take this quiz now:
3. jku

Thanks again for choosing me Jack. It felt good to get out of myself to talk about myself for a little while. If that even makes sense.


Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Hat in Hand

E-mails, faxes, quotes, orders; plates, flatware, glassware, kitchen equipment. Pepper in some time with the kids. That's my life.

Wait, I just fell asleep talking about my life. I could bottle it and sell it as a sedative. Guess what I'm getting at is that quiz. It's important to me. Checking into blogs is important to me. I've done niether for a few days.

Wish I could step out into Jaimie's Great Wall of Ice Fuck right now. I could use a chill.


Good Lookin' Out

Why does the Unky for overwhelmed look so Goddamn fat? And how can I acquire one of those watches like the one in one of the old Twilight Zones that stops time? Or a Holocaust Cloak? These are the questions I have at 12:16 A.M.


Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Mr. Happy is Confused

I may see a light on the horizon. I've been bogged by emotional funk. I may be pulling out. A friend told me to gear up because it's a slow process. I'm geared, lubed, limbered, and taught. I'm not sure if the lube was necessary. I just like to cover my bases. Btw, WTF w/ time saving abbreviations for by the way and what the fuck? Not what I was going to say. Digressed into forgetting.

Anyhoo, I have a quiz to post tomorrow... (Gave myself a deadline)


Monday, January 03, 2005

Merry Christmas Mr. Corwin

I made mention of a toy. If you have kids; and you have the accessibility to bugs, then this is for you. (Or your kids, if you wanna let them play too) Can't help but love new technology. Now if they could only make one for assholes on the freeways.


Back without a vengeance

Rain in the Southland... The news programs here provide every detail: "Chet U-Betcha reporting from a rain-soaked neighborhood here in the San Gabriel Valley. Water continues falling from the sky." (as he stands in the rain) "I'm here with some Southland residents to report to you how they're dealing with this problem." (in a manic tone) "I tried to go to work today, but when I opened my front door, water was falling from the sky. I attempted to dodge the tiny droplets, but they just kept hitting me. I can't even go to Starbucks."

You get the picture.

So, I'm home working. I didn't go out because I couldn't stomach the conversations with customers about the rain, the holidays, the usual "chit chat" crap.

Kitty has planted herself on my lap. Sophia sits in her jammies and terrorizes a cricket I caught with one of Miranda's new toys.

And I am absolutely committed to getting some work done in an hour or twelve.
