"if I had a nickel for every damn dime..."

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Thank you jku


1. Song that sounds like happy feels:
Gansta Trippin, Fat Boy Slim
And the video fucking rocks.

2. Earliest memory:
Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon
So maybe my parents smoked a lot of pot and we drove around in a van painted like an American Flag okay?

3. Last CD you bought:
Everywhere but Here, Modest Mouse

4. Reminds you of school:

Elementary School
Kiss, Do You Love Me?
One of my best friends and I put on a concert for the
sixth grade class. I played drums and sang, he played guitar. That was one of the songs.

High School
Run DMC, My Adidas
That's right, I wanted to be a white rapper 4 years before Eminem got a drivers license.

Hazy Shade of Winter, The Bangels
I'm not proud, but it sounded really cool on very little
sleep and played so loud you're ears would actually bleed.

5. Total music files on your PC
Um... Yeah, so none. It's my work laptop. I'm lucky to have time to blog.

6. For listening to repeatedly when depressed:
The Orb, Orbus Terrarum
It's a strange choice, but it always makes me think.
Magnolia, The Soundtrack
Had to add it because Aimee Mann is a Godess on that album.

7. Sounds british, but isn't:
Green Day, Long View
Only in the chorus though.

8. Tune you love, band you hate:
George Michael, Freedom
It took me quite a while to get the balls to admit that.

9. A favorite from the past that took ages to track down:
Tears for Fears, Listen

10. Bought the album for one good song:
This is a hard one... I usually buy because I love the band, or like most of the C.D.

jku's addition to this quiz is:

11. Worst Song to Get Stuck in your Head:
Don't Worry, Be Happy...
Who wrote this? I must kill them.

Who should do this next?
