Shhhhh... I'm trying to Work!
Be careful what you wish for. I can't remember which genius uttered those words to me for the first time. So... I experienced, "a spell." Not really sure how long a spell is these days. It's kinda like the price of gold. I think you can watch the rise and fall of the time period of a spell on the NASDAQ. Under: SPL
I digress... Drowning in complacency, for a brief "spell," (refer to the NASDAQ) motivational levels sunk to a bagel rating. If I could have gotten away with going to work barefoot, I would have gladly foregone the monumental decision of which shoe to pick. Not to mention the effort required to apply shoes to each foot, get them onto the correct foot, and remember to slip into sockies beforehand. I resorted to the ounce of panache I had saved for a rainy day. It was "go time." I made a wish, "Golly, I sure hope this whole job thing picks up," I administered the ounce of panache to the wish, and the next day, received the extremely rare ride-along with the C.E.O. In a few short hours, he clearly pointed out what I had to do to insure the "picking up of this whole job thing." Since that day, my job thing has picked up, taken off, and exploded. Early mornings and late nights. I'm productive, weeeeeee! I'm providing excellent service, weeeee! Holy shit, I'm tired, weeeeee!
Be careful what you wish for...