28 Days Later
Just sounds right... The "28 days" thing. The madness in question began on January 9th. So it's been more like 56, but whose counting. Wish I could cut and paste what's goin' on in my head right now. (Scratch that; my head is a strange little world) Swimming through thoughts without the ability to grasp any to put into words.
I've been a bad blogger. Posting, reading other's posts, commenting... Things that were very important to me when less was on the plate. I haven't been to anyone else's blog in weeks. It feels selfish. Just haven't been able to. I'm taking up sleep time now. Working until the early morning because of it. For those of you that check in: Thank you. Keep on keepin' on.
Oooo look, a thought swimming by, GOT IT! Hmmmm, and I thought I would keep this secret a bit longer; oh well... I have a special friend. No, not an imaginary one, but I have those too. Nope, real flesh and blood. Been friends with her for over a year now. Innocent friends. Something changed somewhere along the lines though. A shift in the planets, the Earth, whatever. I can't say anything like this has ever happened to me before. I'm not even saying what it is that happened. I can't put my finger on it. What I can say is this: I kissed her and my head spun like a scene in a John Hughes movie. There. I said it.
Life is crazy, unexplainable, unmanageable at times. The emptiness my Mom used to fill is forever present. I'm working my ass off. I'm a terrific father. I'm better friends with my wife than I've ever been. And I have a fantastic, very special friend.
I think I may be doin' all right.