Peeking through the crack in the door
The first "good" day concludes here. Creative juices flowing - not so much. But I got off the phone and had to be "just sayin" about some Goddamn thing. Have you ever spoken to someone so long on the phone your ear actually hurts? A mini indentation of the mini speaker cast upon your lobe.
So I took back a very slick looking piece of shit DVD player today. The music quiz taken some time ago still lingering in my brain as I walked the aisle at Best Buy. "Song that sounds like happy feels - 'Gangsta Trippin' by Fatboy Slim..." It hung out there, looked me in the face and asked me to purchase it. Always intended to buy it but never remembered. Purchase, done. CD, opened and popped into the car stereo in the parking lot. The tune kicked in and I smiled, big. And laughed. Then cried. That motherfucking song sounds like happy feels.