"if I had a nickel for every damn dime..."

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

All of You

Feeling a little gushy. Apologies in advance. I've spoken here about my deteriorated faith in people. It may be why I have almost no real friends. (Do your kids count?) Then I was introduced to Blogspot and I found you.

Without beating around the bush, (always hated that term, what in the hell does it mean anyway?) I would like to reach out, God, this is getting cheesy, and say, I REALLY enjoy reading what you guys, and gals are up to. I like reading about you, and I like reading about how you respond to me. I feel like I have a group of friends in this 'lil ol lap top.

Thanks for being there.

(Group Hug)

Jack, get your hand off my ass.
