"if I had a nickel for every damn dime..."

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Only those over-qualified need apply

Don’t know where, how, what, when, why; necessary questions to consult to, and eventually sell to customers in need.

I’m posting regardless. Stop reading now. There is no point.

Yesterday was buy nothing day , shame on you if you went shopping. Oops. I’m a bad man… I went shopping and spent money along with every other psycho in Southern California . So shame on me too, however, I noticed something. I liked it. My opinion would have been different had I intended to Christmas shop for friends, family, the funny guy at 7 Eleven . Instead, I shopped for me. Went to Best Buy . Is it really the “best buy?” I always wonder about how businesses acquired their name. Pointless way to spend your time. As Jack often states, I digress. I enjoyed the little shopping stint because, unlike every single time I’ve walked through the sliding glass door before, it seemed as if the folks at Best Buy were prepared for my arrival. I think there were about 540 employees on duty, each one of them eager to serve. Three people asked me if I needed help. I didn’t. I tried to come up with something they could help me with. After I decided to purchase some blank DVD’s, I was met at the entrance to a complex maze-like checkout line by an eager Best Buy employee who directed me to the nearest check stand like I was parking a commercial jet .

I would go back and make up excuses to buy something there if every day was like “buy nothing day.” Maybe not the best buy, certainly an enjoyable buy.
