"if I had a nickel for every damn dime..."

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Oh no you di'int

I had a conversation with my three-year-old. I heard her playing, “oh, the Princess needs Prince Charming to rescue her from the highest tower.” My wife felt a disturbance in the force from miles away. My marriage to her, a Woman’s Studies major is seeping into my subconscious. “Um, honey, you do understand that the Princess doesn’t need the Prince to rescue her. She’s tough and smart enough to find her own way out.” Matter-of-factly she says, “but the door is locked.” So I ask her how the Prince can get her out if the door is locked. “He’s Prince Charming… He will.” Christ, I’m no Prince Charming and I don’t indicate I can rescue anyone from any tower; where is she coming up with this shit? I turn to the six-year-old, “She doesn’t need the Prince to rescue her, does she honey?” “Daddy, the door is locked and it is in the highest tower.”
