"if I had a nickel for every damn dime..."

Friday, July 08, 2005

Like sands through the hour glass

I sing a song to the girls before they go to sleep when the soon to be ex-wife isn't able to. "The song you know, Daddy," is what they request from me. Please note, I am not a singer. Oh God, how I always wanted to be. But not the well trained kind. More the Holy Shit he has an incredible voice for never taking a lesson kind. And, for the sake of clarity, I repeat, I am not a singer. I barely recognize pitch or the general key I should be singing in. Not a singer. Me no singie. So I sing this song to them. I began singing it to the six-year-old when she was very small. Every night. Goodnight moon and the song. God only knows why, have I mentioned I can't sing, I would choose a song from an artist who sings in a key almost humanly impossible to sing to. Peter Gabriel. That's what I choose to sing to my daughters. The song is Don't Give Up. The duet with Kate Bush. I sing the Kate Bush part as well. In addition to the fact I can't sing either part, the lyrics aren't the absolute best I could have picked to sing to children. No profanity or references to sex or violence, just not exactly what one should sing to a child. "No one likes you when you lose," is a line I hear with a degree of sarcasm, but I'm not sure either girl can even say, much less define sarcasm. On a positive note, the song does state to not give up, to rest your head because you worry too much, and we're proud of who you are. So it's not all bad.

I don't know why I even wrote this.
