I just closed my eyes again...
How many posts have begun, "gosh, I just don't know what to write," and then carried on about how they felt that day, or what they wore, or what their boyfriend said. And that's why I haven't been around. Because gosh, I just don't know what to write. Yeah. Whatever.
Can't any fucking thing come easy? Take the trashbag out of the can and the hole in the bottom grows until you're dealing with a bottomless trash bag. Oh, and a shitload of trash on your kitchen floor. I know. Not really a big deal. Just seems like that's how everything is turning out. Yeah. I know, waaah waah. (How in the Hell does one spell a baby crying?) Okay, fuck it.
Did I mention June 30th marked 4 years clean and sober for yours truly? Yeah. Turns out I make much better decisions without a drink in my hand and a shitload of speed running through my veins.
Oh, and I happen to think she is a phenomenal person.
So there.