"if I had a nickel for every damn dime..."

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Worth Reading

do not allow a post entitled, "Worth Reading" lead you to believe the post is worth reading. in fact, it may be quite the contrary. in true form, the words worth, and reading, would best be served if followed by a question mark. I had intended to punctuate with a question mark, however, I forgot to include it. now I rather like the title. almost as if I'm advertising this post worthy of your time. it most certainly is not. if you are, indeed, continuing to read on, then by God, my hat is enthusiastically off to you! goodness, quite an introduction to spearhead very little substance...

so, I'm intensely freaked out by even the most microscopic of tasks. sorry, just thought I would change direction. what is meant by that phrase is, for lack of better description, I'm overwhelmed by something as simple as getting dressed. presently, everything seems to be just a bit much to tackle. "gosh, I'm not sure I can get these socks on, especially when pulling on socks is almost always followed by the application of a shoe on each foot." I can't write another word on this subject.

my birthday is on 9/11... save the "wow, what a date to be born," comments. I'm quickly approaching my 36th birthday. where do/did you expect to be at age 36? I watch other men in their mid thirties. every one of them seem to look like I thought I would feel. do I look like that? I don't feel like that...

I'll finish this off by saying, my best friends are my immediate family, my job should be simple, but instead it's a subtle, gut wrenching challenge, and my tiny little spot on this planet that is my life is filled with more than I deserve; will I ever be together enough to notice?
