When I was awkwardly feeling my way through my early teen years, I would ride my bike, (without a helmet, mind you) everywhere. One summer I spent an exorbitant amount of time down at the Santa Anita Mall. Don't truly know how that kept me so entertained, but I really enjoyed hanging out, strolling in and out of the stores, harassing the security guards, and wishing I had the balls to talk to some of the teen women I passed along the way. One time in particular, I think I was out shopping for a gift of some sort. It was for an adult, like my Mom or Grandma or other maternal type relative. I had found my way into a small store that specialized in camera stuff. As I was browsing, I found some really nice picture frames. The one that caught my eye was unfortunately a bit pricey for my 13 year old budget. I stood and stared at it for a bit, then realized I had yet to see anyone behind the counter or anywhere in the store. Since this was quite a few years before I actually got caught for my occasional indiscretion, I decided I was going to take the frame. I quietly picked it up and began sliding it under my shirt. Just before I began to turn around to leave, the store owner walked in and before he realized what I was doing, flashed a courteous smile and asked if he could help me. After he figured out what was going on, but not before I could get the frame back on the table in a flash, his demeanor dramatically changed. He had a young thief in his store, but a quick enough thief that he hadn't actually busted me with the loot in hand. We spent a few very uncomfortable seconds looking at each other and I quickly darted out the door never to look back.
I share this story because I think of that store owner sometimes. I wonder what he must have felt when he found a young hoodlum about to steal a piece of his merchandise. I wonder if he's ever thought about me again. If he maybe figured I was in prison by now, if I ever made any changes in my life, or if I followed a life of crime without being caught. I wish I could see him and say I was sorry. And that I did make some changes. And that I'm not a complete degenerate today but rather a boy that meant no harm.
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