Get it done

I don't recall ever offering advice. I'm pretty much a self proclaimed moron. But now is different. This is sound advice. Please heed it if you're able.
Get a house with an extra room. That's it. Sounds too simple, right? Let me explain. I posted "Housealicious" last year when we moved into my favorite house ever, (see the Housealicious post if you would like to see more pics). The house was so big, we didn't have enough furniture for the Formal Living Room, so it sat vacant. Vacant with a barrier across it to inform anyone who came over, "yes, we know the room is vacant, and we like it that way."
Get a house with an extra room. That's it. Sounds too simple, right? Let me explain. I posted "Housealicious" last year when we moved into my favorite house ever, (see the Housealicious post if you would like to see more pics). The house was so big, we didn't have enough furniture for the Formal Living Room, so it sat vacant. Vacant with a barrier across it to inform anyone who came over, "yes, we know the room is vacant, and we like it that way."
Well it's no longer vacant. A couch, a love seat, coffee and end tables, a Grandma's chair. And bing bam boom, it's a room. The reason I mentioned 'extra' room earlier is because it's really a room to do almost nothing in. And that is exactly what I do. Nothing. I light a fire, sit down, and do nothing. No T.V. no smartphone, no stereo, (tunes might be nice eventually) just sitting. And it centers me. And the cats. And the kids.
I guess it's our first siting room. I wanted to call it the situation room, but that sounded like some pretty intense things need to take place in there.
So it's a damn sitting room.
And I love it. I'm gonna go sit in it right now.