Monday, August 23, 2010

Chronicle as a Keepsake

darekaaron - The blog. The first entry was posted August 14th, 2004. It was a Wednesday. Jeff, my Brother in Law at the time tried to define what a "blog" was. His definition confused me. Hell, even the word sounded odd. I was apprehensive to learn what blogging was all about. I'm assuming a blog can mean different things to different people. To me, though I didn't even think I would log in again after my first post, my blog became a source of comfort, an expression of creativity, and would grow into a clear recollection of some very significant moments in my life: relationships, a criminal background, my divorce, Mom's sudden death, new love, and a new job I still hold to this day. It chronicles development, experiences, and growing up. This blog became it's own entity to me. I may never post again. Maybe not here anyway.

I've decided because I can't imagine not having access to this site, I am about to print each one of the posts and have them bound. I have no idea what I'll do with it other than place it in my "Darek" box. But I'll have it. And I'll read it. Maybe my kids will even read it someday. Certainly not to say that everything I've written here has been meaningful or even worth reading, (coincidentally the title of one of my first posts - Worth Reading) but aside from some of the fluff, this blog is a part of me and I don't want to lose it to the ether if Blogger ever happens to crash.

So here it is. A snapshot of history. A keepsake if nothing else.

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