I enjoy a Starbucks Coffee roughly six times a week. I know, I know... That's about thirty dollars a week or one-hundred and twenty dollars a month or, you get the picture. When I enjoy my five dollar cup of coffee, I often times go to the same Starbucks to place my order. You know, sometimes you want to go "where everybody knows your name..." Anyhoo, the Starbucks I choose to deposit my funds is very busy. So much that there are usually three or four patrons making their way towards the door at any moment, all intent on procuring a speedy order to accommodate their speedy day. I watch them. And they watch me. Each watching each other as we step out of our company vehicles to begin the dash to the door. Oh sure, we try not to make it look too obvious, but what we're really thinking as we half casually sprint towards the door is, "by God, I WILL get my five dollar cup of coffee before you!" And I must say, most of the time, I lose. You see, I like to park on the end spot across the parking lot from the Starbucks. Creature of habit I suppose. So most of the time, I give my opponents an ample head start. They get to the door and slightly glance back at me over their shoulder, half a smirk hidden from my view.
The great part is, what these poor little dumb-asses don't know is the fact that the girls working the counter, or the "baristas," all know what I order. By the time I reach the register, my drink is consistently waiting for me immediately after I pay and say thank you.
I politely remove my beverage from the counter whilst I throw a slight but noticable fuck you in their direction.
One more day I get to begin as if I was somebody.
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