"if I had a nickel for every damn dime..."

Monday, August 16, 2004

crumpled into my seat, appropriately procrastinating, I reflect on a moment earlier in the day. In my day planner, wow that sounds yuppified, I scribbled the words: Blog - Beverly Hills. A WOMAN WALKED BY ME, SMOKING A CIGARETTE. SHE WASN'T ATTRACTIVE, AND SHE WAS FOLLOWED BY AN UN-ATTRACTIVE MAN, SMOKING A CIGARETTE. Now, I need to pose a reminder. Smoking IS NOT unattractive to me. I loved smoking when I did, though I was told that I never looked right smoking. It felt right and was painful to quit. A thought arose, "Jesus... everyone in this tiny little plastic bubble looks like a mannequin" (EXCEPT FOR THOSE TWO) Some balding sport in an incredibly expensive suit, I watched him because the volume of his voice on his cell, was exclaiming to an unknown ear, "I'm just having a hard time finding anything likeable about the lead character"...

I stood up, saliva pouring into the back of my throat, (like before you vomit) and followed my new-found friends in Beverly Hills, the ugly smokers.
